Swansea University will play a key role in new healthcare and data science partnership between the UK and Singapore.
When the time came to deliver our presentation on 'Promoting Pupil Participation through Partnership Working’, I had already spent the morning networking with professionals from a range of university ...
If you've ever seen the excitement in a child's eyes when a dog walks into their classroom, you'll know just how powerful that moment can be. Schools all over the world are embracing the idea of ...
#TASMConf 2024 took place on 18-19 June, with 252 registered delegates from 25 countries across the world. The delegates included researchers from a range of academic disciplines and a large number of ...
Mae ymchwil Angharad yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu dulliau critigol mewn perthynas â’n gwybodaeth a’n dealltwriaeth o genedlaetholdeb. Mae hyn yn cynnwys deall y ffordd y mae gwleidyddiaeth yn cael ei ...
Astudiais yn yr Ysgol Hanes ym Mhrifysgol Bryste, gan raddio gyda BA ym 1984 a doethuriaeth ym 1991. Bûm yn gymrawd ymchwil mewn gwleidyddiaeth ym Mryste (1988-89); ac yn ddarlithydd dros dro yn Royal ...
Mae gan fyfyrwyr sy’n dilyn cyrsiau neu fodiwlau israddedig cyfrwng Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe gyfle arbennig i gael cymorth ariannol. Mae nifer uchel o gyrsiau’n gymwys am ...
A oes diddordeb gennych chi mewn cydweithio â Phrifysgol Abertawe? Mae'r Adran Partneriaeth Academaidd yn hwyluso, ar ran Prifysgol Abertawe, datblygu, tyfu, darparu a goruchwylio partneriaethau ...
For nearly two decades GENCAS has sat at the forefront of work on gender at Swansea University, bringing scholars together in a forum that bridges disciplinary divides. GENCAS provides a space for ...
The Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Research (MEMO) brings together scholars at Swansea University working in the fields of literature, history, European languages, and classical studies, ...