Hundreds, if not thousands, of children in Haiti, driven by hunger and poverty, have joined criminal groups, where they are forced into illegal activities and face abuse, Human Rights Watch said today ...
Civil society organizations, including Yemeni NGOs, continue to call for the Council to establish an investigation and ...
Cientos, si no miles, de niños en Haití, empujados por el hambre y la pobreza, se han unido a grupos criminales, donde son forzados a realizar actividades ilegales y sufren abusos, señaló hoy Human Ri ...
Ukrainian men detained by Russian and Russian-affiliated forces, including prisoners of war, regularly report that their ...
Probablemente muchos de los lectores no sabrían ubicar el país de Azerbaiyán en el mapa, pero el mundo entero está a punto de ...
Many may not be able to point to Azerbaijan on a map, but it’s about to take center stage globally. The Caspian Sea country ...
Bhutan is famous for its pristine mountains, Buddhist monarchy, and an official doctrine of pursuing Gross National Happiness ...
Durante el último año, las palabras “desde el 7 de octubre” se han repetido de una u otra forma en casi todos los artículos y ...
Since October 7, 2023, the answer to atrocities has only been more atrocities, and one year on, more of the world is burning.
Israeli airstrikes on the main border crossing between Lebanon and Syria on October 4, 2024 are impeding civilians trying to ...
Russia’s human rights situation has been deteriorating for years, but in the two years since Russia’s 2022 full-scale ...
Cambodian authorities have reportedly collaborated with the Malaysian government to arrest and deport Nuon Thoeun, a ...