The Australian Human Rights Commission recently published a report entitled Collateral Damage: What the untold stories from ...
The drugmaker has revamped how it packages, promotes and sells certain medicines in an effort to overcome a postpandemic ...
In a Swedish cohort, the risk of long COVID was much lower for vaccinated than unvaccinated participants in the year after ...
NIH officials also told a senior NIH-funded vaccine scientist in New York state, who does not conduct mRNA vaccine research ...
We went from health care heroes to now … we are almost villains at this point, and not to be trusted,” said one health care ...
Key Takeaways The COVID vaccine does not increase the risk of birth defects in pregnant womenResearchers found no risk in ...
Four Goldman Sachs stock picks make sense for growth and income investors charting a course for the rest of what could be a ...
Naomi Wolf’s The Pfizer Papers questions the Covid-19 vaccine approval process, claiming rushed development led to reproductive issues and widespread health concerns ...
SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, infects cells by binding its spike protein to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors.
Novavax performed well last year, but the company's shares are down significantly over the past three years and are not far ...
Initial phase III trial results from November 2020 suggested that, after two doses, new mRNA vaccines developed by Moderna ...
Local public health officials are the front line for responding to any disease outbreak. Five years after the coronavirus pandemic began, many say that the entrenched politicization of COVID-19 has ...