You’ve had a long week. Come sit down. Ice those knees. Treat yourself to a custard cream. It’s time to crack out ol’ reliable. Sentient It’s wild to sit back and look through the PS1 library and ...
Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO is the latest entry in ... Originally released for the PS2 but re-released with an increased resolution and smoother framerate on the PS4, pick this one up to feel ...
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is the latest in the ... Developed by Bluepoint Games, this PlayStation exclusive is a remake of a PS2 title from 2005. Developers remade Shadow of the Colossus ...
In the PS2 era, the studio dominated the gaming ... Nowadays, Sega is famous for the Sonic the Hedgehog, Yakuza, Super Monkey Ball, and Persona games. Sadly, dozens of its brands faded into ...
Yes, without the PS2 classic stomping onto Hunters’ screens ... Whether you’re charging up your Great Sword like a Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan or effortlessly leaping through the air to deliver ...
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the entirety of Dragon Ball Daima. We've known for some time that Dragon Ball: ...
The sheer number of Super Saiyan transformations in Dragon Ball may be mind-boggling now, but there was a time when these forms were easier to track. The original Super Saiyan form served as a ...
Dragon Ball is a series full of incredible transformations fans can't get enough of. The Saiyans have enjoyed several forms that let them reach new heights of power and decimate their foes in style.
In trying to figure out just how strong Goku’s new Super Saiyan 4 form must be, one of the big things to consider is Dragon Ball Daima‘s overall place in the timeline. Because this new anime ...
In the previous episode, a last-minute assist from the elderly Namekian Neva allowed Goku to canonically achieve the transformation dubbed “Super Saiyan 4” in Dragon Ball GT. Now, thanks to ...