Before we dive into that very, very bad prediction though, it is to be noted that Nostradamus — the History Channel calls him ...
Really, it is worse than that because the Nostradamus — the History Channel calls him history’s “Most famous seer,” — apparently saw the world ending in 2025. Now, it’s worth noting that he has been ...
Michel de Nostredame or Nostradamus is the famous French astrologer and prophetic seer, best known for his book Les ...
The prophecies of Nostradamus have kept humanity on alert for centuries, with some coming true, others coincidences and many not coming true, but with the beginning of each year it is a recurring ...
Nostradamus, Nos if you’re nasty ... Science and fate in a cosmic dance, The fate of the Earth, a second chance.” Given our deplorable and continuous pillage and plunder of our natural ...