The Old Order Amish moved into southern Monroe and northern Vernon County starting in 1966. They came from Holmes County, Ohio, and settled in the Cashton area. They are now ...
Lovina babysits Denzel, Byron and baby Kylie and shares a recipe for farmer's breakfast in this week's column.
I want to write this column before I leave this morning. Daughter Loretta and I are attending the coffee break our church ladies are ...
He was married to Lucinda A. Wickey. He was of the Old Order Amish Church. He was a farmer and woodworker. He is survived by his wife of Geneva; six daughters, Marie D.L. (John) Hilty; and Lucinda D.L ...
Over 300 guests attended church services on Sunday at the Eicher farm. The Eichers will be hosting again in two weeks but expect much fewer people.
It is almost 6 a.m. on this Tuesday morning. It is warm weather for February with the temperature at 38 degrees. The snow is disappearing fast. Now our yard is exposed and needs to be cleaned up a ...
I’m so ready for spring weather, but we need to stay patient a little while longer. We have only five days left to get done what needs to be before we host church services here. I am checking prices ...
The order rescinds a 25-year-old order from former President Bill Clinton that required federal agencies and other groups that receive federal funding to provide language assistance to non-English ...
Trump's order would rescind a 25-year-old order from ex-President Bill Clinton that required federal agencies and other groups that receive federal funding to provide language assistance to non ...
Various buildings and structures have been added to the list, including churches, town halls, iron bollards, and even a rare post box. Once on the local list, the significance of these buildings ...