I want to write this column before I leave this morning. Daughter Loretta and I are attending the coffee break our church ladies are ...
I want to write this column before I leave this morning. Daughter Loretta and I are attending the coffee break our church ladies are having for neighbor Susan. She had hip replacement surgery so this ...
He was married to Lucinda A. Wickey. He was of the Old Order Amish Church. He was a farmer and woodworker. He is survived by his wife of Geneva; six daughters, Marie D.L. (John) Hilty; and Lucinda D.L ...
Over 300 guests attended church services on Sunday at the Eicher farm. The Eichers will be hosting again in two weeks but expect much fewer people.
With only five days left before the Eicher family hosts church, the warmer weather has revealed a yard that needs some ...
Other Anabaptist branches today include the Amish, Brethren and Hutterites. Anabaptists believed a true biblical church had to follow ... includes a community of Old Colony Mennonites, which ...
Going into any two Amish churches will result in a slightly different experience. "The differences lie primarily in practice," Burdge said. He uses the German word Ordnung, which means order or ...
Mennonites are part of the wider Anabaptist family of churches, which emerged in 1525 as the radical wing of the Protestant Reformation in Central Europe. Other Anabaptist branches today include the ...
The Anabaptist sects of Lancaster County—the Old Order Amish and the similar-looking Mennonites ... who included members of the Lutheran and Reformed churches, as well as the Mennonites, Amish and ...