Ready to ditch Windows? It's time to migrate to Linux, but not all distros are made for developers. Give Linux Mint a go!
In this article, I'll walk you through my journey of moving from Ubuntu to Linux Mint distro as my daily driver OS.
This review first appeared in issue 354 of PC Pro.
The website does a great job 'talking about, reviewing, and keeping up to date with open source operating systems.' Here's ...
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is a Debian operating system variant that runs on the FreeBSD kernel instead of the Linux kernel. Unlike ...
Cinnamon, as used by Linux Mint, is often touted by advocates of Windows-to-Linux switching as a reason to choose that distro ...
he says. Today, many users view their computers primarily as gateways to the internet, making user-friendly Linux distributions like Mint more acceptable. However, Linux still lacks some popular ...
The new Mozilla Firefox 136 release delivers a number of notable new features—features Mozilla may be hoping help it re-earn ...