Ready to ditch Windows? It's time to migrate to Linux, but not all distros are made for developers. Give Linux Mint a go!
Linux is an operating system that you can customize to your needs. Learn how to use these tiny Linux utilities to improve your system performance.
In this article, I'll walk you through my journey of moving from Ubuntu to Linux Mint distro as my daily driver OS.
The website does a great job 'talking about, reviewing, and keeping up to date with open source operating systems.' Here's ...
W e often read about how Windows has software and tools that Linux doesn't have a viable alternative to, but this has become ...
Mint Mobile vs T-Mobile is a question that's no doubt in the minds of many a cell phone user over the past few months, given the incredibly high-profile ads campaign of the former. Both being on ...
If you're wondering which of the current Mint Mobile plans are best for you, then you've landed on the right page. Everyone's different in regards to budget and use case so we've rounded up a ton ...
Oh, you’re here because you captured the image of someone’s Instagram Story and want to know if they’ll get a notification about the screenshot, à la Snapchat? We’ve all been there ...
Since Mojave, Macs have a built-in tool to make taking screenshots a simple and easy process. Here's how to capture a screen grab, whether you want the whole display or just part of it.
Minigalaxy version 1.3.2 and higher change some aspects of windows game installations through wine. It will try to adapt already installed games to the new concept when launched through Minigalaxy.
Available plans include 5GB, 15GB, 20GB, and Unlimited which you pay for in advance (3-month, 6-month, or 12-month terms) • New customers to Mint get the carrier's lowest rate on each plan for ...
The page will show you a download button (the design of the web page changes regularly so what you see in this screenshot may have changed since ... to install Microsoft Edge browser on Ubuntu, Linux ...