While Apple has made it free to access developer betas, if you want to publish apps to the App Store ... then hit Back. Let iOS load for a moment, and you'll see an option to Download and Install the ...
But before you start that download, I'm here to remind you of the "beta" part of "public beta." Prerelease software is ...
1. On your iPhone, go to the Settings > General > Software Update. 2. Next, go into Beta Updates and tap the iOS 18 Developer Beta option. 3. Finally, go back and tap Download and Install under the ...
Are you tired of your boring old Mac just... computing? Sick of your laptop acting like it's too good for Candy Crush? Well, ...
Some are down at the moment, by the way. (like ModMyi) I’ve already installed a couple of apps and tweaks, and before you ask - yes, MobileSubstrate and SBSettings work on iOS 4. I’ve installed themes ...
Apple is reportedly giving iOS 19 a visionOS-inspired design makeover, and a leak might have shown us what it will look like.