Will the boys mind if I trash the tractor ... It is loaded with clothes for him to grow into, that I have picked up in Amish thrift stores or others have passed on to me. Time and again when ...
And warmer. We did get to work this past week. Although on Wednesday, the workshop men and boys went to help sort clothes for CAM. That is an interesting thing to do. I really would enjoy going ...
A pastel rainbow brightened the façade, and out front was a statue of a singlet-clad boy with a raised torch ... be dominated by three hundred million Amish people. The likeliest version of ...
Take a candlelight walking tour in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish country ... Guides, wearing Victorian clothing, present the original Crystal Cave tour from the 1870's and also ...
Will the boys mind if I trash the tractor with a missing ... One of my favorites is a large black tote marked “Austin.” It is loaded with clothes for him to grow into, that I have picked up in Amish ...
Boy, was I wrong. This place is the Disneyland of deal-finding ... Turn a corner, and suddenly you’re surrounded by handcrafted Amish furniture built with the kind of craftsmanship that makes you ...
The Old Order Amish moved into southern Monroe and northern Vernon County starting in 1966. They came from Holmes County, Ohio, and settled in the Cashton area. They are now ...
Arthur Police Chief Elliott T. Tinnon described Raymind as a person who had dressed in Amish-style clothes and had wanted to join their religious community. The defendant is due back in court for ...
These include: --An 11-year-old Amish boy, Samuel K. Fisher, was killed by a passing vehicle in 2023. He was riding along the road he lived on. --Samuel S. King, 43, was killed in a hit-and-run in ...
Tinnon confirmed that Raymind likes to wear Amish-style clothes and had dreams of being Amish himself. “He was attempting to become a member of the Amish community,” he said. “He’s been a ...