Elie Wiesel, the Museum’s founding chairman, was deported to Auschwitz with his family in May 1944. He was selected for ...
For years, they could not speak about the Holocaust. Teenagers Ruth Cohen, Steven Fenves, and Irene Weiss were deported in ...
在第二次世界大战期间,平民的死亡人数达到了前所未有的数字。尽管许多人丧生于军事行动中,但还是有数以百万计的无辜受害者遭受到蓄意的灭绝。纳粹德国(由阿道夫•希特勒领导)在 ...
Antisemitism is prejudice against or hatred of Jews. The Holocaust, the state-sponsored persecution and murder of European Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, is history’s most extreme example ...
Croom, Emily Anne. Unpuzzling Your Past: A Basic Guide to Genealogy. White Hall, Va.: Betterway Publishers, 1983. Doane, Gilbert H. and James B. Bell. Searching for ...
Remember the Children: Daniel’s Story is the Museum’s primary exhibition program for young people and their families. The exhibition tells the story of one family’s experiences during the Holocaust ...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum mourns the passing of Irena Sendler, a Polish social worker who helped smuggle hundreds of Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust. As ...
The Museum offers a wide selection of online resources about the Holocaust and other genocides and mass atrocities. These tools provide a variety of ways to learn and teach about this important ...
1. 正在修建的 4 号焚尸炉。 正在修建的 4 号焚尸炉。此焚尸炉后来在一次集中营起义中被摧毁。拍摄地点:波兰奥斯威辛-比克瑙;拍摄时间:1942 至 1943 年间的冬天。 猶太人大屠杀百科全书 2.
As of 2024, more than 5 billion people—over half of the world’s population—use social media. The immense popularity of these digital networks means that social media is the way that many, if not most ...
The children who walked through the doors of the medieval monastery in Germany had endured all manner of Nazi terror. One Jewish boy from Poland had survived more ...
The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies is pleased to offer fellowships to support significant research and writing about the Holocaust and related topics for projects ...