After a year's break, thousands of fans came back to the Semmering to cheer on our female skiers Kathi Liensberger, Franziska ...
Following the accident involving two oil tankers off the Crimea, a state of emergency has been declared on the Ukrainian ...
Eine wiederholte Verschmutzung sei nicht festgestellt worden, fügte das Verkehrsministerium hinzu. Notfallminister Alexander ...
Falls die Gmundner Basketballer heute beim Liga-Vierten UBSC Graz den siebten Sieg hintereinander einfahren sollten, dann ...
Anyone who does something like this obviously doesn't care much about the fate of their fellow human beings. Unknown persons ...
A criminal appetite drove this brazen food gang. Five Hungarian accomplices had apparently been coming to eastern Austria for ...
Bereits eine Woche, bevor die Vierschanzentournee in Innsbruck Station macht, gibt es für den Skisprungbewerb auf der ...
The fire alarm system in the Grand Hotel went off shortly after nine o'clock in the morning. The fire department arrived, but ...