In the face of increasing regulatory fragmentation and the growing need for consistent sustainability disclosures, the time to ensure a robust and globally aligned approach to the adoption of the ...
Have Your Say on the Future of Safety in the City of London. The Safer City Partnership (SCP) is working to keep the City of London safe, secure, and welcoming for all. Bringing t ...
The Digital Imperative roundtable series, hosted by the City of London Corporation from September 2023 to January 2024, examined the increasing integration of the financial and professional services ...
Vary the layout of the premises to include an outside service bar to service a seating area on Little Trinity Lane. All other licensable areas of the premises to remain as existing. To add the ...
Several times throughout the year, the Recycling Team run Give and Take Days at different locations across the City. Have items in a reusable condition you no longer need? Looking for something new-to ...
The City of London Corporation is embarking on an exciting data maturity journey. Currently, our key corporate data sets are spread across multiple solutions and platforms, using various reporting ...
Promoting shared procurement activities will lead to more competitive pricing and significant time savings through economies of scale. This approach addresses shared needs efficiently and ...
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