Developing embedded software is an increasingly complex problem. As the world moves to multi-core, multi-architecture devices, software engineers need to leverage and debug different processing ...
S-parameters describe the fundamental characteristics of RF networks, and their main types include small signal, large signal, pulsed, cold, and mixed-mode S-parameters. This article continues a ...
Inertial MEMS sensors play a significant role in the massive expansion of today’s personal electronic devices. Their small size, low power, ease of integration, high level of functionality, and superb ...
ADI的设计工具使用方便,通过针对精度优化的仿真简化您的设计和产品选型过程。 ADI公司的电路设计工具通过网络免费提供或 ...
電子工学を学ぶ学生や愛好家は、どこかの段階で、より高度な計測器を使い始めるようになるはずです。信号発生器、オシロスコープ、ロジック・アナライザなどが必要になるタイミングが ...
Comparator ICs are designed to compare the voltages that appear at their inputs and to output a voltage representing the sign of the net difference between them. In a comparator circuit, if the ...
ADI专利的容性可编程增益放大器(PGA)相比传统的阻性PGA具有更佳的性能,包括针对模拟输入信号的更高共模电压抑制能力。 本文描述了斩波容性放大器的工作原理,强调了需要放大传感器小信号 ...
With the proliferation of digital phased arrays in commercial and aerospace and defense applications, there are many engineers working on various aspects of the design who have limited phased array ...
许多应用利用精密电流源提供恒定电流,包括工业过程控制、仪器仪表、医疗设备和消费电子产品。例如,过程控制系统利用电流源提 供电阻温度检测器(RTD) 所需的激励电流;数字万用表利用 ...
噪声重要与否,取决于它对目标电路工作的影响程度。 例如,一个开关电源在3 MHz时具有显著的输出电压纹波,如果它为之供电的电路仅有几Hz的带宽,如温度传感器等,则该纹波可能不会产生 ...
与低成本50Ω同轴(100Ω STP)电缆配合使用 视频/控制数据错误检测 高抗扰度模式提供可靠的控制通道EMC容限 检测到错误时重传控制数据 出色的电源电流:88mA(最大值) 预加重/去加重功能支持15m ...
Steven W. Smith博士所著的《科学家与工程师数字信号处理指南》提供对数字信号处理的实用介绍。 本书涵盖众多主题,对于新接触DSP的读者而言,它是理想的入门教材,而对于经验比较丰富的用户 ...