Congratulations to our author Professor David Baker on being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2024 for outstanding ...
Special issue guest editors are encouraged to read the following guidelines before submitting their special issue proposals. The topic of the special issue must be a focused research area. General ...
World Scientific Publishing extends its heartfelt congratulations to two of our distinguished editorial board members, ...
本文重思了从晚清到二战期间,中国政治和民间记录中关于海外华人的论述。相较于时下流行的观点,即相信中国民族主义者所成功宣称的海外华人被重新动员并纳入了中国,本文更倾向于认为 ...
Since its inaugural competition in 2020, World Scientific has sponsored the cash prize for the annual Xiamen University Malaysia Campus (XMUM) Cup Physics Competition for Secondary Schools, and this ...
World Scientific publishes more than 400 titles in English each year. Many of these titles are suitable for translation into other languages. On this page, we've selected some newly-published and ...
早期华人出国谋生时,常带上家乡的音乐,以寄托思乡之情。随着当代华人身份认同的转变,传统音乐的海外生存状况今非昔比。然而,在新加坡这个多元文化大融合的国度,一个具有鲜明地域 ...
新加坡国立大学文学暨社会科学学院中文系, 新加坡 ...
自上世纪70年代末以来,数以百万计的中国人来到日本。他们当中有学生、劳工、家属、定居者及许多非法居留者,如今已有几十万名中国人留在这个国家。本文介绍了这些新移民的移居形态与 ...
作为学术领域的海外华人研究已有一个世纪的历史。本文通过对若干代表性论著的分析与评价,并辅以相关的学术出版物,尝试从学术史的角度对近80年来 (尤其是1980年代以来)的海外华人研究 ...