"Africa currently represents 2.5 percent of the global AI market. However, according to a recent GSMA report, emerging ...
We’ll convene journalists, activists, technologists, and others from around the world to discuss digital media, knowledge and ...
"The government must create a safe space for diverse perspectives to be voiced and debated without fear of retaliation.
The National Confederation of Municipalities estimates that 11 million people have been directly affected by the fires. The economic losses reached at least 1,1 billion BRL (203 Million USD), ...
"The recognition of ecocide as a crime sends a powerful message: the destruction of nature will no longer go unpunished." ...
Para muchos medios en línea de Bosnia Herzegovina, se desconoce totalmente la información sobre la estructura de propiedad, ...
Dos películas obtuvieron clasificación X, y por lo que se prohibió exhibirla en los cines. Esto enojó a los cinéfilos y a los activistas de la libertad de expresión.