Directed by Justin Kurzel, ‘The Order’ is an action thriller film that follows FBI agent Terry Husk (Jude Law). He is posted ...
Law plays a fictional FBI agent in the new film – but it's otherwise based on a true story. Jude Law is back on the big ...
Justin Kurzel's disturbing mystery, The Order, starring Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult, is dark, unnerving, and hits close to ...
Nosferatu,’ ‘The Order,’ and ‘Juror #2’—that showcase his versatility, as well as his knack for working with all sorts of ...
Directed by Justin Kurzel and written by Zach Baylin, The Order is based on true events – Hoult physically resembles the real ...
If 2023 was the year famous guys started dressing for attention, then 2024 was the year this manner of “conspicuous dressing” ...
ComingSoon is excited to debut the track "Husk" from The Order-Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by Jed Kurzel. Lakeshore ...
"The Order" stars Jude Law as an FBI agent on the trail of Robert Jay Mathews, who founded a white supremacist group called ...
Director Justin Kurzel reveals learning about Bob Mathews and American extremism by reading the script to 'The Order.' The film stars Jude Law as an FBI agent who goes to Idaho to investigate a ...
Kurzel is an Australian singer-songwriter-guitarist and a founding member of the blues rock duo The Mess Hall. He’s also the younger brother of Justin Kurzel, the director of The Order.