The festival of Chanukah commemorates the Maccabees’ victory over the Syrian tyrant Antiochus IV, who had conquered Jerusalem and seized the Temple in his efforts to Hellenize Judea. Resisting ...
This Chanukah I join Jews around the world in celebrating Israel’s recent military victories, that parallel the holiday’s commemoration of the Maccabees’ triumphant war against the powerful ...
Yes, the first day of Hanukkah is on Christmas this year, Dec. 25. It begins at sundown. Hanukkah ends at sundown on Jan. 2. Why is Hanukkah so late this year? Hanukkah always begins on the 25th ...
What’s Chanukah all about? The Hebrew word "Chanukah" means dedication, and the holiday celebrates the rededication of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem.But don’t expect this story to stick ...
This Chanukah Rikers Island was illuminated with 6 massive, 12 foot, light up menorahs; a joyful Chanukah event for 250 ...
Las Vegas Mayor Shelley Berkley is scheduled to attend the ceremony, which highlights Chanukah’s message of religious freedom. Steve Siegel will light the Grand Menorah in one of many events ...
Beis Chana Tzfas High School held its annual Bnos Hashluchim Chanukah Camp, one of the school's prominent highlights. The ...
To me, it’s bittersweet as we all head back to the “real world” after the holiday celebrations of Chanukah, Christmas and ...
Chabad of the Space and Treasure Coasts’ Chanukah Parade and Snow Festival continues to grow each year. The parade and ...
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC/AP) - The Holy City’s 17th annual annual Chanukah in the Square event in Marion Square has been postponed by a day because of weather concerns Sunday morning. The event is now ...
The city of Ypsilanti had its first public menorah lighting to celebrate Chanukah. On Monday, Dec. 30, Chabad of Ann Arbor ...