Ubuntu is based on Debian, but they're not the same. To help you choose which to install, we compare support, pre-installed ...
Furthermore, PlayOnLinux includes scripts for many popular Windows games and applications. These scripts automate the ...
Non-profits that refurbish PCs and give them to the needy have a dilemma when it comes to Windows 11-ineligible computers.
Ready to ditch Windows? It's time to migrate to Linux, but not all distros are made for developers. Give Linux Mint a go!
In this article, I'll walk you through my journey of moving from Ubuntu to Linux Mint distro as my daily driver OS.
Microsoft is pulling the plug on Windows 10. Here's how to keep your PC alive when Microsoft stops releasing updates for the ...
Learn how to fix the "wget command not found" error in Linux by installing wget, configuring the system PATH, or using ...
For most Windows users, switching to Windows 11 is probably a no-brainer. Microsoft wants you to use its latest operating ...
This review first appeared in issue 354 of PC Pro.
As the expiration date for Windows 10 presses ever closer, spare a thought for its classic forerunner. No, not Windows 8 – ...
Open source audio editor Audacity has issue a new patch release with a sizeable set of bug fixes, including an appreciable ...
Installing Python and related applications on a system without a network connection isn't easy, but you can do it. Here's how ...