Switching to Linux doesn't mean losing your favorite apps; many have Linux versions, alternatives, or can run via Wine or a ...
Furthermore, PlayOnLinux includes scripts for many popular Windows games and applications. These scripts automate the ...
sed, which stands for 'stream editor,' offers many options for selecting content from a command or a file and changing it as requested.
Ready to ditch Windows? It's time to migrate to Linux, but not all distros are made for developers. Give Linux Mint a go!
I love a customized desktop. Anytime a developer (or team of developers) can deliver a unique take on any of the Linux desktop environments, I'm all for it -- and Bluestar Linux does not disappoint.
Two of the characters, one who works a vineyard, spend a lot of time enjoying red wine together. In the last episode, the vineyard guy, a young wry Maori whom I've become very attached to, took a sip ...
Well, this hard cider kit is easy to use and makes three batches of tart, dry cider. Cider is often easier to make than beer and wine, so it’s ideal for beginners. The kit includes dry cider ...
Another developer closing up due to a tough industry. Studio Fizbin have announced they will be closing up after releasing ...
We list the best Linux distros for Windows users, to make it simple and easy for Windows users to take a leap and try Linux without feeling overwhelmed. It can be an inundating experience ...
In the era of recycling, a TV personality has devised a method to repurpose empty wine bottles ... which you can also use to decorate other parts of the house. Start by removing each bottle's ...
Choosing a Linux version to run on NES86 was a more straightforward task, as the programmer was essentially limited to using the Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset. The ELKS project provides a Linux ...
We list the best lightweight Linux distros ... The most recent releases have even reverted to using LibreOffice rather than Abiword for word processing. This doesn't mean that Lubuntu is lacking ...