If you're looking for a new Linux distribution, maybe it's time you tried a rolling release distribution. Here are my top five options.
Learn how to fix the "wget command not found" error in Linux by installing wget, configuring the system PATH, or using ...
Non-profits that refurbish PCs and give them to the needy have a dilemma when it comes to Windows 11-ineligible computers.
Non-profits that refurbish PCs and give them to the needy have a dilemma when it comes to Windows 11-ineligible computers.
Ready to ditch Windows? It's time to migrate to Linux, but not all distros are made for developers. Give Linux Mint a go!
NixOS is a well-designed OS with a fantastic array of layouts and features, but I recommend it to Linux users who aren't afraid of a little learning curve.
I'll be passing on the Dash to Panel torch. Please let me know if you're interested in contributing to the project.
While books that come on audio CDs don't have DRM embedded in them, files downloaded from Audible or other for-pay sources often do. Audiobookshelf won't play books with DRM, which means you need a ...