Years ago OREO capitalized on the infamous blackout at Super Bowl 37 with their iconic "You can still dunk in the dark" post ...
The massive costs of Super Bowl ads are always good news for the NFL and the networks that own exclusive TV rights. But an eternal question is whether those ads provide what companies and their ...
In determining the five types of Super Bowl ads, many factors must be parsed. Lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous. These include but are not limited to the stature of the brand, its goal for ...
Oreo saw an opportunity . . . and tweeted. The “dunk in the dark” tweet is a core entry in the canon of social media marketing, for its ability and agility to creatively capitalize on a ...
People gravitate toward brands and moments that feel big, bold, and confident – like they’re part of something important.
A startling discovery made public in July that metallic rocks were apparently producing oxygen on the Pacific Ocean’s seabed, where no light can penetrate, was a scientific bombshell. Initial ...