Dragon Ball features powerful women, from Saiyan warriors to unstoppable androids. Here are the seven strongest female ...
With no explanation or build-up, Future Trunks enters the Super Saiyan Rage ... Gohan from Black Frieza when the Dragon Ball Super manga returns. Up until its third act, Dragon Ball Super: Super ...
Vegeta and Gohan have both unlocked incredible ultimate forms, but which one would come out on top in a fight between them?
Dragon Ball Super manga introduced Beast Gohan in Chaṕter 99 ("Son Gohan's Ultimate Awakening!"), while adapting the Super ...
While superhero movies have dominated theaters for several years, not enough attention has been given to those led by Black characters. Heroes such as Blade, Black Panther, Miles Morales ...
Before Swann makes some of her greatest friends in her life, you'll be exploring the Blockbuster-like Movie Palace in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, which has all manner of interesting objects to film.
“Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!” That’s what Jeff Bridges bellows about Robert Downey Jr. in the first Iron Man movie. And, for a while, it was that ...
Unbreakable feels like the kind of movie that should have come at the end of the superhero boom (aka now) instead of the beginning. The movie is, quite intentionally, about an obsessed fan who ...