New planning laws have been proposed by the UK government aimed at enabling new homes and infrastructure to be developed ...
The UK government has introduced a large number of amendments to the already lengthy Employment Rights Bill (ERB).
Escalating trade wars, triggered by action taken by US president Donald Trump, could fundamentally alter the way some ...
Actions that UK employers must take to proactively prevent sexual harassment in the workplace can be a driver for tackling ...
The EU Data Act introduces a new regime for the switching and termination of cloud contracts. The new standard contractual clauses (SCCs) envisaged by the European Commission still lack sufficient ...
The UK government has set out plans to increase transparency over the recommendations made by UK public inquiries, in a move one expert said will improve the effectiveness of those inquiries in future ...
Current signalling suggests that the French anti-corruption regulator has no intention of slowing down – and may become the new anti-corruption pacesetter, an expert has said. Edward James, ...
Legislative and regulatory change in Victoria, arising from the use of combustible external wall cladding and increased enforcement following the Lacrosse tower fire in 2014, continues to bring about ...
Financial entities in the EU have clarity on the detailed regulatory requirements they will face when subcontracting critical or important functions of their operations to ICT providers, after ...