In the face of increasing regulatory fragmentation and the growing need for consistent sustainability disclosures, the time to ensure a robust and globally aligned approach to the adoption of the ...
Have Your Say on the Future of Safety in the City of London. The Safer City Partnership (SCP) is working to keep the City of London safe, secure, and welcoming for all. Bringing t ...
The Digital Imperative roundtable series, hosted by the City of London Corporation from September 2023 to January 2024, examined the increasing integration of the financial and professional services ...
Vary the layout of the premises to include an outside service bar to service a seating area on Little Trinity Lane. All other licensable areas of the premises to remain as existing. To add the ...
We are incredibly grateful to everyone who donated to our Common Toad Conservation Project. While we didn’t reach our fundraising goal, the generosity of donors has helped make it possible for us to ...
Join the resident mailing list to receive the monthly City Living newsletter, keeping you updated on community and cultural events, health and wellbeing, consultations, plus news and updates from the ...
The City of London Corporation is the highway authority for all the streets in the City of London except for the Red Routes which are managed by Transport for London.
have signposts, so you can find your way even if you've not walked it before are circular, so you can start and end them anywhere along the trail start and end conveniently close to parking and ...
Have a look at our map to find our 25 fishing ponds and plan your day out with us. We also have a number of guidelines on fishing in Epping Forest which you should read up on before visiting.
Please note that the telephone booking system for the golf course is temporarily unavailable. Please book using the website instead. Come and play a few holes at Chingford Golf Course, Epping Forest's ...