“Leading the world into an era of intelligent and flying automobile, it is not possible to go it alone. The connection between the automotive industries of China and Germany is deepening, and any idea ...
Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar recently visited China, marking the first trip by a Malaysian king to China ...
(ECNS) -- Leaders from China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) announced that the Version 3.0 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations have achieved a substantial conclusion ...
On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), he shared his study and work experiences in China during an interview with China News Network, recounting his unique ...
A Chinese tourist in Thai traditional dress poses for pictures at Wat Arun Ratchawararam Rathawaramahawihan in Bangkok on Jan 17. BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES China's stimulus measures will have a positive ...
中国日报10月19日电 10月18日,随着“走向新时代开放融通之路”外眼看中国活动步入尾声,走访团奔赴行程的最后一站——位于山西省大同市西郊的云冈石窟,探访中国石窟艺术宝库中的瑰宝。
建立了“新农人”队伍人才库,打造镇江市“新农人”发展促进会,遴选优秀“新农人”……近年来,江苏省镇江市积极推动“新农人”培育工作,一个个“实招”“礼包”在不断完善发展计划、工作机制中落地落细,为广大“新农人”在农村广阔天地大展才华、大显身手夯实奋斗信 ...