Passive filters use only passive electronic components: resistors, capacitors, and inductors. For low frequency applications (less than 100 kHz) it is typically sufficient to use only resistors and ...
Description: instruments, medical equipment, tools, precision parts, and so on. Foam customization and exterior inkjet printing are available. *SC28-21-11? and SC32-25-16? models comes with a D-ring ...
Electrohydraulic valve actuators and hydraulic valve actuators convert fluid pressure into motion in response to a signal. They use an outside power source and receive signals that are measured in ...
AC servomotors are AC motors that incorporate encoders are used with controllers for providing feedback and closed-loop control. These motors can be positioned to high accuracy, meaning that they can ...
Interior doors are moveable structures designed and constructed for indoor use. The primary function provides access and egress to a room or other space inside of a building. These doors are used in ...
Adhesive tapes are used to assemble materials or parts together using a sticky chemical bond. They are an alternative to other assembly methods such as mechanical assembly (press fit, snap fit, etc.), ...
Rechargeable (or secondary) batteries contain active materials that can be regenerated by charging. All batteries have positive and negative terminals, marked (+) and (-) respectively, and two ...
A male micro USB type B to male micro USB type B charging cable. Length = 300mm. USB Type = USB 2.0. Connector A = Male Micro USB B. Connector B = Male Micro USB B. Sheath Colour = White. Standards ...
Description: embossments for added strength and rigidity. Motor is dependable 1-speed, 1 phase, 115V ball bearing open drip proof permanently lubricated permanent split capacitor. Rocker switch. Steel ...
Metal plates and metal plate stock includes metals and alloys in the form of blanks, flats, bars, plates, and sheet stock. Metal and alloy plates and plate stock are used in a variety of applications ...
Link chain includes loop, welded, weldless, sash, jack, ball, beaded, plumbers, safety, and coil chains for lifting, securing, lashing, mooring, rigging, security ...