The Strand Theatre in Hudson Falls will be hosting a performance by The Beatles’ original drummer Pete Best and his group, ...
Beatles fans will be able to sleep ... was opened in 1959 by Mona Best – mother of the band’s original drummer Pete – in the ...
With a storied history as a live band before their first single, The Beatles had played with several classic guitars before 'Love Me 'Do stormed the charts.
Finding themselves without a permanent drummer in 1960, the pre-fame Beatles hired local Liverpool skinsman Pete Best -- but his time in the band would be short lived. After recording a demo for ...
Allan Scott meets friends and relatives of The Beatles to discover ... Contributors include former drummer Pete Best and Millie Sutcliffe, mother of original band member Stuart Sutcliffe.
The Beatles drummer Ringo Starr has always seemed ... But considering the band had just recently lost drummer Pete Best, they were in an even greater flux. Martin, ever the businessman, hired ...