Scholars define the Old Order Amish by two distinctive features: 1) the use of horse-and-buggy transportation, and 2) the use of Pennsylvania German dialect in church services and daily conversation.
With only five days left before the Eicher family hosts church, the warmer weather has revealed a yard that needs some ...
Over 300 guests attended church services on Sunday at the Eicher farm. The Eichers will be hosting again in two weeks but expect much fewer people.
It is almost 6 a.m. on this Tuesday morning. It is warm weather for February with the temperature at 38 degrees. The snow is disappearing fast. Now our yard is exposed and needs to be cleaned up a ...
James attended the Old Order Amish Church with his parents. Surviving in addition to his parents are 2 siblings: Jakob Meryl and Rosetta Jane, both at home, grandparents: Jacob C. and Sadie ...