Not every Dragon Ball game lives up to fans ... Android 16 was the strongest character on the scene. He was even stronger than Android 17 and 18, the latter of whom effortlessly defeated Vegeta.
Bio-Broly is often ranked as the worst DBZ movie due to its uninspired plot, forgettable villain, and lackluster battles.
Fast-forward to the Dragon Ball Super series, Android 17 is now living a peaceful life as the Park Ranger for the Royal ...
A new Dragon ... Ball: Sparking! Zero trailer has debuted, focusing on the Cell saga's characters. Some notable inclusions are Teen Gohan's two Super Saiyan transformations, all of Cell's forms ...
Gohan missed epic battles with formidable foes like Hit, Jiren, and Kefla throughout Dragon Ball Super. Despite his potential, Gohan never faced off against Android 17 or Goku Black, missing key ...